
Association of
Somatic Experiencing Practitioners
in Ireland

Join Us

If you are:

  1. a certified SEP who trained with ISE, or

  2. an SEP student currently training with ISE, or

  3. an ISE Graduate working towards SEP certification, or

  4. an SE Assistant currently assisting in ISE training, or

  5. an SE Trainer currently teaching on ISE courses, or

  6. an SEP practicing in Ireland, trained elsewhere than with ISE, provided they are proposed by another member and accepted by 2/3 of the Management Committee

  7. an SE Student training abroad but practicing in Ireland

and are further:

  1. an accredited  or registered member with a recognised professional organisation with a clear set of ethical guidelines and a complaint procedure,

  2. not currently the subject of an ethical or professional complaint from any recognised organisation at the time of application

then congratulations! You meet the requirements of membership of Tairseach, as laid out by our Constitution.

To apply, email our Membership Secretary at tairseachmembership@gmail.com.